Have you ever entered a room and got utterly disgusted by the way it looked. Heavy upholstery, too many knick-knacks and bric-a-brac. The room, totally bursting out of its seams. Stuff totally out of place and many things which don't make sense at all. We humans, by nature, are great hoarders. Right from a tiny pin, plastic covers to other endless items which we think will come to our use sometime in the future. We refuse to part with it. So much is our attachment with the material things! Apart from these, we have certain sentimental attachment to things given by our parents, grandparent, best friends and the list continues. And so in our zeal to hang on to some stuff, we keep on adding things to our collection, till our cupboards, closets hardly seem to have any place left. And we bring in one more cupboard as we have run out of space to accommodate more items. Now if we answer ourselves truly how often do we ever use those items? For which reason o...