My First Long Cycle Ride

Dileep rides for "Bangalore Randonneurs and "GoGreenGoCycling and few solo rides with his friends.  He is a great inspiration to me and our kid. I wanted to go cycling with him for a very long time.  With the lock down slightly relaxed and cyclists allowed on the roads with all the precautions, we planned a short family ride of 15kms, considering our lil one's capacity to ride. It was super fun.  
And ever since I had been craving for more. That's the thing about any physical activity, walking, running, yoga cycling, gymming, you name it, once you get the taste of it, and you end up craving for more.  Anyway, I asked my husband if we could ride till my mom's place and he agreed. From our house till Mom's, it's around 22 Kms. I was over the moon and super excited. Once the plan was made, I told my mom that we would be coming early in the morning for a quick stop and ride back home. 
The night before, my excitement was on peak. I had to literally calm myself down and slept early so that I would be fresh and energetic in the morning.  So Sunday morning I was full of energy and enthusiasm and got ready.
The weather was just perfect. It had rained the previous day so I was a bit anxious that it should not be overcast as it would foil my plans.  But thank God, the skies were clear with just some specks of white clouds.
We started our ride exactly at 6:08 O'clock.  It was a wonderful experience.  Lovely breeze, fresh air brushing past my face, the adrenaline pumping as we cycled away. Sheer bliss.  I could feel my mind and body in the perfect symphony.  I inhaled the fresh cool air and exhaled deeply. I could feel my mind calming down. I could feel a peaceful feeling in my heart.  Whenever I am alone or doing my work, I chant slokas in my mind.  As I concentrated on my breathing, I was chanting the slokas; I was in a meditative mode.  All my physical and mental energies, concentrated at the “present”. Enjoying the moment. Literally no other thought in my mind.  I feel this was one of the reasons that I didn’t feel exhausted or tired at the end of the ride or rest of the day. In fact I felt really rejuvenated. 
 As we cycled together, in places where there was no traffic, we chatted or enjoyed the comfortable companionable silence.  That’s my idea of a perfect date.    
On the way we passed by many cyclists in small groups, maintaining distance and riding, and many solo riders.  Motivation and inspiration is everywhere, one has to just observe.
Finally, at 7:30 am we reached Mummy’s place. Mum was waiting eagerly for us.  We ate ravenously the delicious fare of piping hot idlis, chutney, sambar and vada.  We relaxed for a bit with hot coffee. Refilled our bottle and started back at 8:30 am.  The weather was still cloudy and cool and traffic had not started yet.  It was a comfortable ride home. Reached dot at 10 am.

I was absolutely ecstatic. For a first time long ride, it was no mean feat.  A classic example of the body can achieve what the mind believes. And the rest of the day I was perfectly fine. No pains or aches.  I am really grateful for this wonderful experience. My kid and nephew were really pumped and they wanted to go for a long ride too. That is what I want. Lead by example. Later they did go for a ride. What more could I ask for!! Another ride? Why not!!


  1. Very well expressed Shalu. It is really to see that you are motivated by someone and you in turn motivate someone. It is very good to see your little being inspired by you could ride his cycle till Nobonagar. Great spirit, superb energy and determination makes you a lovely person from inside and outside. How I wish I could get time to start things again which I had been doing long back. I can't tell there is no time but I need to make time for myself. With you as my inspiration I will also start cycling again soon. Stay blessed always. Good night dear.

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  3. Thank you so much Kaku for your wonderful words. Just go for it. Start and the rest will follow... The first step is always the hardest. But once we start then there is no stopping.

  4. It is a pleasure to read what I see happening.. Proud of you shalu.. !! That is what the magic of life is.. . get inspired and pass it on.. !! Truly said.. Your body behaves the way your mind thinks.. !! ! Wishing you many more opportunities and avenues to further your passion.. . God bless!! !

  5. Inspiration overloaded :-) Agree to your point that focus towards the 'present' is the key! Good going both of you

  6. Great inspiration this is 😍hope I join the the cycle riding club one day.

    1. Thank you Anisha!! Please do join. More the merrier!!


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