Aging Gracefully

As young people, we are full of energy, enthusiasm, super busy with our work, family and other activities. 

But we are​​n't going to be young for ever. While we are investing for our old age, saving up a lump sum to give us a comfortable life, many of us forget to invest in one more and most important thing. A hobby, something we are passionate about. Something which will keep us busy the whole day, while our children are away for studies/ work or blissfully enjoying the company of their friends, spouse and their children. 

We need to accept that even though our children love us, will always do, it's difficult for them to spend time with their old parents with so many things demanding their attention.  While we enjoy seeing them all grown up and responsible, we should make sure we let them do that without feeling guilty of not being able to spend time with us.. 

We should learn to age gracefully. Planning is very important. Find the things you are passionate about, hone those skills, start working on it. It can be traveling, reading, cooking, gardening, doing volunteer work, swimming, crocheting, the list is endless. Whatever makes you happy. When you plan to retire, you can throw your complete attention to it. You will be busy, doing the thing you love and hardly find time for loneliness and keeps unnecessary negative feelings that an idle mind thinks at bay. 

Health: The most important part of life. Invest in your health right from the beginning. No excuses please. If you say working on being healthy is difficult, try falling sick. Regular health regime, good home food is all you need. One thing you can never compromise on. In the long run its your healthy body and mind that will be your best friends. 

Cultivate friendship with educated and like minded people who will motivate you and themselves. These are the people you hang out with, travel and enjoy.  

Most importantly, spend time with your spouse. Your spouse is the one who will be with you through your thick and thin. Do all the things that you had planned to do together, but weren't as those plans were shelved because of all your family responsibilities. 

Be someone from whom youngsters can formulate. 

At the same time, we should encourage our parents, to learn new things, keeping up with new technology and motivate them to pursue an interest. 

It feels great to see many people of older generation in their 80's doing so many interesting things. I know a few of them who are pursuing their interest in Sanskrit,  learning the oldest languages of India with complete zeal and another is studying Vedas. A retired officer is now learning a musical instrument which he was so much interested in but couldn't do so in his childhood. Inspiration is everywhere, we just need to fuel our desires. So what are we waiting for. Just go for it! 

Ending this article with a beautiful quote that I came across.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.
Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Nice thoughtsπŸ‘Œ well captured..

  2. Wonderful and very apt thoughts πŸ‘Œ

  3. Keep writing shalu...
    Love your subject matter... :) :)

  4. Very well written Shalu and very true also. There is no end to learn anything and pursue what we are interested in.

  5. Thank you so much every one... πŸ™‚

  6. Beautifully written! Nice articulation of thoughts!

  7. Loved the blog. I will definitely inspire and motivate people to start thinking and pursuing their interests.

  8. So true and well said πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Š


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