Mother's /Father's Day

Mother's Day/ Father's Day, one special day when we cherish our Mother/ Father. A special day when we recollect our beautiful memories, a day when we express our love and affection to the one who gave us this beautiful life. They nurtured us and made us who we are today. They gave us always better than the best that they could. 

We, who are parents now ourselves, can totally understand the efforts our parents have put to look after us.  

There are many parents with different point of view about their children though.
But as parents we should learn to love our child unconditionally. Our children should NOT be grateful to us for anything we do for them.  They should not feel compelled that since our parents gave birth to us, since they looked after us, since they sacrificed so much for us, we should take care and look after them in their old age. That is NOT the attitude with which we should raise our child. Affection, love and respect should not be demanded. It should come automatically to by ones behavior. 

We are the ones who decided to bring the child in the world. We are the ones who wanted a child. It was our choice. It is our responsibility to give the child a secure life with love, care and proper education for him to lead a wonderful life. It does not give us right over the child or obligate him to take care of us in return.  

Looking after our child is not a sacrifice but a pleasure, one should understand that. Love and pamper him but be ready to to cut the chord gracefully let the fledgling soar..  Once it knows it's not tied down with the chains of fraternal obligations it will have immense love and respect for you. 

As parents we should make sure that our children should grow up with good health, education and allow them to lead their lives as they want.  The children should love their parents on their own. And this will happen when we don't saddle ourselves on them.  It's MY Personal opinion that, we should never use words like duty, responsibility, dharma that the child should look after his parents. No. It's not.  

Enjoy your child's childhood, enjoy growing them into lovely adults with good values of love, respect for fellow human beings and with this type of upbringing you will definitely be your child's best friends for life!! What more do you need!! 
Happy Mother's/ Father's Day!! 


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